Driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m
Driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m

Irp worker threads (PopIrpThreadList - fffff801332f3100) Use the !poaction command to display the threads that handle the power operations and any allocated power IRPs.įlags.: 10000003 QueryApps|UIAllowedĪllocated power irps (PopIrpList - fffff801332f44f0).Use the !devstack command with the PDO address in Arg2, to display information associated with the faulting driver.įffffa800783f060 \Driver\HidUsb fffffa800783f1b0 InfoMask field not found for _OBJECT_HEADER at fffffa800783f030.

driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m

Irp is active with 7 stacks 6 is current (= 0xfffffa800ab61e08)

  • Use the !irp command to examine the IRP that was blocked.
  • You can use various debugger commands to follow the LIST_ENTRY fields to examine the list of outstanding IRPs and the power IRP worker threads. The dt (Display Type) command displays the structure. +0x018 DelayedWorkQueue : 0xfffff800`01c6d2d8 _TRIAGE_EX_WORK_QUEUE
  • Use the dt (Display Type) command and specify the nt!TRIAGE_9F_POWER structure using the address from Arg3.Ġ: kd> dt nt!TRIAGE_9F_POWER fffff8000386c3d8.
  • The structure can provide a list of all outstanding power IRPs, a list of all power IRP worker threads, and a pointer to the delayed system worker queue. The nt!TRIAGE_9F_POWER structure provides additional bug check information that might help you determine the cause of this bug check. The verbose analysis displays the address of the nt!TRIAGE_9F_POWER structure, which is in Arg3.
  • In a kernel debugger, use the !analyze -v command to perform the initial bug check analysis.
  • Resolutionĭebugging bug check 0x9F when Parameter 1 equals 0x3

    #Driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m code#

    The device object completed the IRP for the system power state request, but it did not call PoStartNextPowerIrp.įor a description of the possible causes, see the description of each code in the Parameters section. The target device's device object, if available The device did not complete its Directed Power Transition callback successfully. Indicates if this was a Directed Power Down(1) or Power Up(0) completion. The device failed to complete a directed power transition within the required amount of time. The power state transition timed out waiting to synchronize with the PnP subsystem. The thread currently holding onto the Plug-and-Play (PnP) lock.

    driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m

    The physical device object (PDO) of the stackĪ device object has been blocking an IRP for too long a time.

    driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m

    The device object completed the I/O request packet (IRP) for the system power state request, but it did not call PoStartNextPowerIrp. The target device's device object, if it is available The device object that is being freed still has an outstanding power request that it has not completed. Parameter 1 indicates the type of violation. If you are a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, see Troubleshoot blue screen errors.

    Driver power state failure windows 10 nvidia 765m